Wednesday, April 14, 2010

cool Dude!

Did you know water can be really heavy or light? Water can be heavy because it can turn into ice. Water can be light because when it rains it doesn't hurt! Water can be dangerous if you can't swim,
and it can be helpful.


  1. Wow I have never thought about how heavy or light water can be. That is really neat. Thanks for sharing that thought with us.

  2. Instead of using the word heavy, you can use a science word: DENSE
    Scientists use the term "dense" instead of heavier when talking about difference substances.

    Try this:
    Put ice in water. Will it sink or float? If it sinks, then the ice is more dense (heavier) than the water. But if the ice floats, then the water is more dense (heavier).
    mmmmmm.... Science Rules!
